Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Gone for a week, er two and Blogger makes me upgrade???

Well, my city appraisal is done, complete, over, and gone. It was intense and at some moments, painful but alas I have succeeded with 5 days to spare. WHoooo HOoooooo!

Anyway, I was perusing online, shopping and found something I thought was oh so
clever and quite appropriate for me to put on my car, should I want to do such a thing...

...which I do not. Regardless, I love it and may purchase one just the same for some other locale...

LOL!!! It's crass, granted, but sometimes I just feel that way.

There were a few others I also enjoyed ...

I love his little tooth and tongue. Very cute.

And I can't forget the political follies as well.
OH! That's good, yes it is!
Anyway, these and many more can be found here.
So, that's the scoop; sorry to be so long btween posts but it has been seriously hectic with several assignments I've had in the past three weeks plus job 1 (which I still can't stand!) and well, I suck...what do you want me to tell you. >: )

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