Monday, May 30, 2011

Great weekend spent loving the outdoors

So I took the clan to Fossil Springs. We all had a great time, albeit I killed yet another Droid. I suck so bad with these "smart" phones lately I swear it's payback for teasing the girls about being phone jinxs in the past.

Anyway, the bogos (mostly Gray) enjoyed the waterfalls and current and water in general. They frolicked and hiked (mostly Chloe) along the bank and found STICKS!!!

The big (little) ones really enjoyed the cliff diving and rope swings. Jo claimed this was his new favorite sport.

The weather was ideal and considering it was a holiday weekend the creek was pretty quiet and much less crowded than I expected only leaving me to appreciate this trail/creek even more!


Diana said...

That is an awesome hike! You are so lucky you got it when it was emptyish.

I totally want to take my boyfriend there! Hope the weather out was cool that can be the most brutal part of the trip!

Malifacent said...

Well we drove down - didn't take the trailhead so that wasn't an issue. Although the weather was perfect. Kids had a blast; even my 3-yr old son was jumping off "cliffs" (more like big rocks) into the water. I would love to return with the older kids and take the hike - there's so much to see that we plan on coming again and again and again. Next time, midweek and no holiday.