Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Chew on this...

4 out of 5 dentists find a similarity between the Jesus story and Superman...

just kidding -

but the thought has crossed my mind.
Imagine if you will,

Jor-el sends his only son to earth from the 'heavens' in a star shaped 'basket'
Much like 'god up in heaven, sent us his only son who had to be shipped down river in a basket...

He could fly, run faster than a locomotive, lept tall buildings, helped those in need, and spread the good deed across the land...

Jesus, walked on water, and healed the sick, spread the good word across the land, etc.

He was misunderstood by some and revelled by others(most) and had sworn enemies like
the evil Lex Luthor who in the original movie lived beneath the subway of NY..
hmm, kind of sounds demonic such as Lucifer who lives in the core of the planet known as hell!
core of the planet? where exactly IS hell supposed to be? ANYWAY...

I think I'm on to something here, I really do. They changed the hippie stereotypical stylings of jesus to the clean cut Clark Kent/Superman to throw us off but we're on to them, oh yes we are!

We will not be fooled by those mere glasses like the rest of Metropolis, oh no! It's not Superman's identity they tried to hide behind the mild mannered reported, indeed it was
Jesus Christ himself they masked with that ridiculous tale of Kryptonite and x-ray vision.

There, I've put it out there now for the world to see.

Get this...to the left is a pic I found off of a site I stumbled upon during my photo hunt.

Evidently I live in a cave and am not the first to come up with these findings. Let me just say that this thought came to me during the previews for Superman Returns, you hear the voice booming from space " I send my only son" as it echoes following the hurling "star basket" to earth.

So, although I wasn't first to find this similarity, please note it wasn't stolen either. Check out this site and it gives a complete breakdown of how and why the song remains the same between Jesus and S-man. Amazing, truly.


Leesa said...

Wow..that is wild.

Anonymous said...

Erm... It was Moses who got sent down river in a basket...

Malifacent said...

I believe they were both sent in away in a basket as the pharoh or whatever was issuing the death of all male infants due to the news that jesus was coming etc...

Malifacent said...

ok, stand corrected, joe and mary just dodged town with him until the king died...I knew someone was trying to kill him.

so - that aside, erm, the similarity is still intact and very wild (interesting) indeed. I just love shit like that; it's fun!