Tuesday, December 19, 2006

On Secondhand...

Check out this!

Love the concept, especially as it has been proven in practice, to be do-able, practical, and GREEN. Don't know how I would do at attempting a whole year of no new purchases. I really do like shopping. But I have done the thrift store route before and found excellent merchandise you simply can't find anymore (decor, etc.).

I plan on living secondhand for the first quarter of 2007. I know this may sound mild but those who know me will know what an undertaking this will be. So, no new purchases til March sans food and essentials (toiletries) to survive.

If we all practiced the barter system and recycled more we would change the world and how we value things. No new cars, no new toys, no new furniture, no new anything. Now that's a New Year's Resolution...or Recycled Year's Resolution?


•♥•m•♥• said...

SUUUUUURE....now that U got the car.....LOL

no..seriously...what did you...whomever U are...do with Kitty?.....she would NEVAH! be able to hang with this action...

I'm just saying......

Malifacent said...

Actually, the car wasn't a NEW purchase but a used purchase which is still a-okay. The idea is to only purchase second-hand items w/ exception to the toiletries and food. SO, it's all good. :)